

Literatur zu Murals

  • Graham Dawson, Trauma, Place and the Politics of Memory: Bloody Sunday, Derry, 1972-2004. In: Sally Alexander/Jane Caplan. History Workshop Journal. Issue 59. Abingdon 2005.
  • Neil Jarman, Material Conflict. Parades and Visual Displays in Northern Ireland. Oxford/New York 1997.
  • Neil Jarman. Painting landscapes: The place of murals in the symbolic construction of urban space. In: Atony D. Buckley, Symbols in Northern Ireland. Belfast 1998.
  • William Kelly, Murals. Derry 2001.
  • Will Kelly, The People’s Gallery. Derry 2005.
  • Bob Purdie, Politics in the Streets. The origins of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland. Belfast 1990.
  • Bill Rolston, Politics and painting. Murals and Conflict in Northern Ireland. London/Toronto 1991.
  • Bill Rolston, Drawing Support. Murals in Northern Ireland. Belfast 1992.
  • Bill Rolston, Drawing Support 2. Murals of War and Peace. Belfast. 1998. 
  • Bill Rolston, Drawing Support 3. Murals and Transition in the North of Ireland. Belfast 2003.  


Allgemeine Literatur zum Konflikt in Nordirland

  • Kathleen Burk (Hg.), The British Isles since 1945. Oxford 2003.
  • Mike Cronin, A History of Ireland. New York 2002.
  • Jürgen Elvert, Geschichte Irlands. München 2003.
  • Paul A. Fitzsimmons, Independence for Northern Ireland. Why and How. Washington 1993.
  • Thomas Hennessey, A history of  Northern Ireland 1920-1996. Hampshire/London 1997.
  • David Lister/Hugh Jordan, Mad Dog. The Rise and Fall of Jonny Adair and ‘C’ Company. Edinburgh and London 2004.
  • Michael Maurer, Kleine Geschichte Irlands. Stuttgart 2003.
  • Brendan O’Brien, A Pocket history of the IRA. Dublin 1997.
  • Camille C. O`Reilly, The Irish language in Northern Ireland. The Politics of Culture and Identity. London 1999.
  • Frank Otto, Der Nordirlandkonflikt. Ursprung, Verlauf, Perspektiven. München 2005.
  • Bob Purdie, Politics in the Streets. The origins of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland. Belfast 1990.
  • Bob Rowthorn/Naomi Wayne, Northern Ireland. The political Economy of Conflict. London 1988.
  • Dietrich Schulze-Marmeling, Die irische Krise. Dritte Welt in Europa. Wien 1988.
  • Wolfgang Vince, People’s Democracy. Die Geschichte der radikalen Studentenbewegung in Nordirland. Wien 1991.



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